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PaddleBR Calendar

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Most weekends, usually Saturday

Bayou Fountain Paddle Trail Maintenance

Launching: Bayou Fountain at Highland Road Park, 8am.

Recovering: Highland Road Park, early afternoon or so.

Mission: We’re out on Bayou Fountain most weekends doing normal paddle trail maintenance and cleanup. If you want to join us, have a guided trip, or borrow a boat, just get in touch.

6 Comments leave one →
  1. 2014-01-07 1:04pm

    When is the next trip?

    • 2014-01-07 2:24pm

      Just updated the schedule. Looks like Mike’s going to be out hiking this Saturday, but I’m planning to be on the bayou heading downstream at 8am. Hopefully it’ll be a shorter day (sandwiched between the end of #11’s set and the start of #15’s insanity) — being back in time for the Saints game sounds good to me, as *my* native home team just lost to those infernal 49ers.

  2. katelyn permalink
    2014-08-29 3:12pm

    where do i go to get a canoe one weekend?

    • 2014-08-29 4:08pm

      We’ve been known to personally bring extras for other people when we’re out doing paddle trips or cleanups/work days. As far as going out on your own, on the other hand, I know LSU also has outdoor gear rentals open to the public. They’re only open Monday through Friday, apparently, so you have to rent by the weekend, at least from what I gathered from after seeing the link on this sign they had out by the lakes:

      I am not familiar with any other local outfitter or such, although The Backpacker does do demo days at the lakes. (I tried out a stand-up paddleboard there, just to see what it’s like — I think I’ll stick with my existing fleet of canoes and kayaks, but it was interesting.)

  3. Mary tauzin permalink
    2015-06-22 12:00pm

    I’d love to join you on a weekday trip again :)

  4. Anthony Attuso permalink
    2018-03-09 3:09pm

    I would like to join the group at highland road park sometime

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